August 13, 2023by Team HPQ 99.96% Purity Silicon Production ›› HPQ’s Breakthrough Achievement with CEO Bernard Tourillon ›› INSIDE THE PRESS RELEASE #1
August 10, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ CEO discusses the successful milestone reached of an unprecedented silicon purity level of 99.96%
August 9, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ Silicon’s PUREVAP™ GEN3 QRR Delivers Even Higher Purity Levels in a Single Step
August 8, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ CEO Discusses the U.S. Department of Energy’s recognition of Silicon as a Critical Material
August 2, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ Silicon Comments on the Inclusion of Silicon in U.S. Department of Energy’s 2023 Critical Materials List
July 28, 2023by Team HPQ Redefining the Fumed Silica Industry: HPQ Silicon CEO interviewed on Proactive Investors
July 21, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ CEO Discusses the Hiring of Silicon Industry Veteran Dr. RIVAT and Battery Strategy for 2023 Reveal
July 20, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ Silicon Recruits Former Senior Executive from Major Global Silicon Metal Producer as Senior Consulting Engineer