August 9, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ Silicon’s PUREVAP™ GEN3 QRR Delivers Even Higher Purity Levels in a Single Step
August 2, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ Silicon Comments on the Inclusion of Silicon in U.S. Department of Energy’s 2023 Critical Materials List
June 27, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ PUREVAP™ QRR Will Usher in Zero CO2 Emission Silicon Metal Manufacturing
June 1, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ Silicon GEN3 QRR Pilot Plant Produces 3N+ Silicon (99.92% Si) in a Single Step
May 4, 2023by Team HPQ Gen3 PUREVAP™ QRR Pilot Plant Update: Process Validation Continues Moving Forward
April 20, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ announces delivery of First Batch Silicon Material Samples to World-leading High-performance Material Company
March 16, 2023by Team HPQ GEN3 PUREVAP™ QRR Pilot Plant Validation: Purity and Process Milestones Reached ahead of Schedule
February 21, 2023by Team HPQ HPQ announces early-stage planning for a silicon-based battery material production line in North America
February 8, 2022by Team HPQ HPQ Silicon Signs NDA and Receives Request for 4N Silicon Material Samples from a World Leading High-performance Materials Company